The Sectioning Module

This module provides utility function that allows you to section, divide, and prepare your data in unique ways for visualization via a non-linear dimensionality reduction algorithm.

Utility Functions

section(data, num_sections)

  • data: The data array to be sectioned.
  • num_sections: The number of sections into which to partition the array.

This function indexes along the rows of the data array and partitions the array into the desired number of sections and returning them.

ordered_section(data, num_sections, axis=0)

  • data: The data array to be sectioned.
  • num_sections: The number of sections into which to partition the array.
  • axis: The axis (column) along which to partition the array. Typically, the first column of the array holds x data, the second column y data, the third column z data, and so on and so forth for higher dimensional data.

Performs the same function as section but first sorts the array along the provided axis (column).

progressive_segment(data, num_iterations, axis=0)

  • data: The data array to be sectioned.
  • num_iterations: Indirectly specifies the segment size increment.
  • axis: The axis (column) along which to segment.

Partitions the array into segments of increasing length, starting from the first row. First sorts the array rows along the specified axis.

converge_segment(data, num_iterations, axis=0)

  • data: The data array to be sectioned.
  • num_iterations: Indirectly specifies the segment size increment.
  • axis: The axis (column) along which to segment.

Returns segments of the data array sorted along the column given by axis. These segments start along the first and last row and increase in size until they converge upon the middle of the data array.